PETROMIX® - enduser comments
It has been reported by the Canadian Enduser that first sign of the affect, after a few days of use of PETROMIX® is the significant reduction in exhaust smoke, which apart from visual detection, can be measured by means of a photocell in order to gauge the smoke density.
The Smoke Spot Number (SSN) tested with Bacharach is decreased by a minimum of two (2) points. It is easy to obtain Bacharach one (1) provided the air/fuel mixture is correctly adjusted.
Between 0,4 - 0,1% water is always present in Heavy Fuel Oil. When PETROMIX® is added water drops are broken into minute droplets thereby resulting into better absorption of Oxygen by asphaltenes that eventually help to burn it more evenly. The broken up water droplets also cause decreased Carbon in exhaust gas. PETROMIX further prevents the agglomeration of alphaltenes, sulphur and sodium. This explains how emission is improved by reduced NOX and better economy obtained by decreased consumption.
Normally 3,0 - 3,5% oxygen is reąuired to burn the fiiel oil, however, by use of PETROMIX® it can be diminished to about 1,5%. In practice this is a reduction from 20 - 25% down to 5 - 7% level. This automatically results into lesser NOX and lower stack temperature.
Therefore it is recommended that pre-heating temperature is lowered by about 10 degrees in order to maintain fuel oil viscosity, which, otherwise will become too low and increase consumption. It is important to remember that PETROMIX® breaks interfacial tension in fuel oil.